The Nails can be used in femurs, tibias and humerus. It offers the fast patient procedure times, low complication rate and can be weight bearing if permitted following your surgeon's recommendations.
Patients get accustomed fast with the lengthening maneuver.
Please see videos of the click maneuvers in the link bellow.
The Guichet® Instrumentation enables a fast and easy insertion and extraction of nails. The instrumentation features a distal locking system.
The Guichet® Intramedullary saw enables the suppression of the osteotomy scar. In addition it boosts healing by preserving entirely the ‘fracture hematoma’.
The medical expert team can design custom correction nails even for the most complex cases according to surgeon’s requirements. Please contact us for further information.
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> Shorten your patient’s procedure time and minimise complications
> Get instant support and tracing of progresses of your Patient
> Get access to instant care throughout your surgery and lengthening procedure
> Lighten your effort by being guided in real time