Certified Excellence Centres are designed to offer optimal recovery and results for Patients.
With specific protocols, the patient is controlled throughout the procedure and follow-up by an expert Team. Follow-up involves a specific Registry authorising continuous control and guidance for the patient.
This allows not only a fast adaptation of treatments for the patient, but also an adaptation of techniques in ‘real time’ fully beneficial to all patients.
Excellence Centres are using the ultimate specific Know-How about the technique. Surgeons are trained on the specificities of products and provided with case specific on-demand assistance.
Today, X-os is bluilding its global excellence network to ensure best in class care, faster and safer procedures.
Support is provided for interested surgeons who can apply the know-how about the implants for securing optimal results to their patients.
Become a certified network member and benefit from personnal surgeon driven support.
For patients, getting surgery in Certified Centres secures a high level quality with latest improvements for their treatment.
Enquire to find our certified network.
Enquire about our new patient and surgeon Application for clinical follow-up.
> Shorten your patient’s procedure time and minimise complications
> Get instant support and tracing of progresses of your Patient
> Get access to instant care throughout your surgery and lengthening procedure
> Lighten your effort by being guided in real time